Wow! What a difference. Not sure if Jason isn't there anymore, but we dealt with a woman we never spoke to before. They charged us $100 to run diagnostic (our engine light went off....again) and told us we had to replace the manifold for $1000. Then they also gave us a printout suggested a total brake replacement for $1k. Well trying to see if we could get a better price we took it to three more mechanics. The manifold DID have to be replaced and the $1k was within reason (we ended up buying a new one and replacing it ourselves for about $550.) However, the brake quote was a TOTAL SCAM!!! Our third mechanic said nothing was wrong with our brakes. Even our brake pads weren't due to be replaced just yet. Sure enough, we got in there and all that maybe needed was replacing was brake pads which we did for ourselves for less than $100. We would have just shelled that out if we had the $2k to fix everything and didn't look around. I mean $1k for brake pads that didn't need to be replaced??!?! Shame on you Buddy's.
BTW, the "Brake" quote they gave us was for 2 brake pads at $84 each. 4 brake rotors at about $85 a piece and brake fluid. Parts $540 and labor $372.