This is not the nicest movie theater in town, or even close to it. However, ticket prices are what keep me coming back ($ 4.75 for matinee, and $ 6.75 for evenings).
That's more like it! I spend enough of my hard money at these damn concession stands. For only fifty cents more, you can get our extra-large soda. Umm OK, so instead of $5.00, I pay $5.50? Get outta here... I'd rather sneak in my own drink -thanks. Not that I'd ever done that--No!
The theaters are smallish, with no specified handicapped seating available. On occasion, we take our friend to the movies who is in a wheelchair and it is sometimes difficult to maneuver around. Despite the small inconvenience, we manage to see movies here -almost every weekend. There is also a cool arcade toward the front of the movie theater -in case your three year old just can't sit still in the movie.
When you have a family, saving money where you can is important. This movie theater allows us to still get out occasionally and do things together -without breaking the bank. However, if you are trying to impress your date, this is not the place for you.