I'm new to Scottsdale so finding a church home is important to me. I'm being completely honest about my visit at Impact Church. I was very disappointed here. I look forward to the worship music the most. It is very very loud. I'm used to bands playing at churches too. And I love that, but it was so uncomfortably loud! I didn't feel the band connected with the audience at all. One of the greeters walking down the isles greeted all the regular members but Unfortunately ignored a newby like me. The sermon was disappointing as well.. Going on and on about tithing. And a demonstration of Nemo getting eatin up by Parrannas. (Not kid friendly) This Was not my idea of feeling Amazing about the gift of Gods Love. It's about God's Love! Not about money. Btw, I understand you should give back and pay it forward. The pastors these days seem to always get stuck on this topic. I'm writing this because this is the main reason why people are so scared of churches these days. This is the way I understood the sermon. If you don't give 10% to the church you are not giving or surrendering your life to God. Be ready to open your wallet. If not you will leave feeling very guilty about where your money is going. I understand tithing is important. But for someone brand new to the church I guess I was hoping for more spiritual food and not about giving money to the church on my very first visit here. This is strictly my opinion. Hopefully this will guide you to find the church you want to go to all the time. . "Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path" Psalm119:105 God Loves YOU no matter if you go to church or not. Surrender and Follow His plan for you. It will be tough! But He Will Provide.