Death note room!! 5/5
So cool they had a Death Note theme. It was well designed and paired well with the show. Really recommend it if you're a fan of the anime. You'll really enjoy it. We got out in 43mins
Hospital virus: 3/5
We beat it I forgot what was the time. But I remember it was quite easy so it's good for beginners.
Egyptian: 2/5
We fail due to a technicality... Like I don't want to spoil but I should warn you that you would need prior research or knowledge for one of the gadgets to unlock the room.... Which we didn't know and wasn't prepared for. So that was kinda lame that they told us that... But this theme was nicely decorated
Trapped Canada in general was made with care and make it fun for they players. They're very professional there and amazing customer service.
We have membership cards. They give us free drinks if you win. Can't wait for their new room to be built!!!