Clearly I'm not their target demographic, as I avoid fast food and chains like the plague. My FIL wanted pizza one night and asked us to pick up the grab and go 'special' for him. How bad could it be? Ummm...
Having never tasted their products before, I thought maybe there was some horrible error, and that is why this 'pizza' did not look or taste like any I'd ever tried. Alas, Scott assured me that these were consistent with every other 'pizza' they'd had from LC. Oy!
I.just.can't.even. The crust did not resemble any crust I've ever seen or eaten; the sauce was horrible; even the cheese had no flavor, and I love cheese! Didn't bother to try the "Italian" cheese bread sticks thing, because why waste carbs on pseudo food?!?!
Costco food court pizza is VPN compared to this, trust. The cashier was friendly, the shop was clean, and my FIL likes the $5 special. I ate a slice to be polite, because I love my FIL and was taught to eat what your host serves you. Never, ever again for me. Ever.
* $5 pick up specials for pizzas that are premade and hot *
** apparently there are also coupons available **
*** this is NOT actual pizza (I'm not sure WHAT it is) ***