I have been playing (mediocre) acoustic guitar for over 25 years now and have purchased at least 15 guitars in that time,,,mostly used guitars from places like Craigslist , Ebay, etc., but quite a few purchased at guitar stores as well.
Without fail when buying at a store (many times at a Guitar Center) I have always left the store feeling like I was taken advantage of because the salesman plays like a professional musician in comparison to me and they can surely tell I have no idea what I'm looking for.
It's always an intimidating experience no matter what.
I wish I could remember the salesperson's name for the purpose of this review, but he is a middle aged gentleman who I could tell truly loves the acoustic guitars as he referred to the guitars as "his babies". While he was with another customer, I interrupted to ask if I could play one of the guitars and he very kindly replied that I could play any guitar I chose to anytime I pleased and did not make me wait until he was finished with his previous customer...I was dressed like I didn't have a dime to my name by the way, on my day off in a coffee stained tshirt and sweats.
As I said he was already assisting a young, well to do couple, with their young daughter (9-11 yrs old?) looking to purchase her first guitar. The parents said $ was no object yet he did not attempt to up sell them on something the little girl would have a hard time playing. He instead honestly told them to spend more on her second guitar when the time comes, and convinced them that they need only spend $150-$200 on a beginners guitar package that came with an amp and was easier to play for a beginner than the adult professional acoustic guitars they were considering...even though the parents said they were more than willing to pay for a beautiful $1800 Martin their daughter picked out, that would most likely be discarded by the child within a few months anyway (like a toy) after discovering it took some serious time/effort and lessons to learn to play.
I don't have enough room in this review to tell you all about the great job he did with me as well in finding the right guitar for me, but I was most impressed by the way he handled the sale for this young girl and her parents. He could have completely ripped them off and he did not because he is obviously an honest person who is there because he loves guitar. Making $/commission was clearly not his primary focus. He understood that they would be back for more expensive purchases the rest of her guitar playing days and that little girl may now grow up to be a great artist only because this salesman didn't make it an expensive hobby her parents may not continue to support if it was too costly and she didn't show immediate progress.
After seeing the character of this salesperson, I spent a lot more on the guitar I ended up buying because I had complete trust in this honest and talented guitar player/salesperson....and he had no idea I was paying close attention to the way he handled this family while I waited my turn. I will only shop for future guitars at this location because I trust this salesperson...for the first time in 25 years!