the people here put up with my over-tired, stressed out self that basically gave them my and my cat's life story after a very long day.
they were able to see my cat quickly, assessed him fast, and gave him medicine to fix the emergency. very friendly folks, good communicators of the problems, typical causes, and help you come to grips with how you can make life a little better for your pet.
they open when all the other vets close, and for you west siders, i think this is the only vet emergency hospital gig around. however, the staff was pretty good, so don't be worried. i was pleased, if it's worth a high five and a "right on". one thing i have thought of and edited after the fact: the assistant explaining my cat's prescription was a bit frazzled. maybe it was a bad day for her, but i was told 2 ml, then showed 3 while demonstrating, and was also told to give him meds for a few days. when i received the meds, the box said for 12 days. after i did a check up at my normal vet, they explained more specifically and did a thorough check up. i'm glad i did the check up at the normal vet (which you should do anyways if you take your pet to the er, so all is not lost.) i'm passing this confusion off as a bad day for the asst, since the people here were very helpful and friendly.
they've been around since the sixties, i think, and judging by the decor, haven't remodeled since. but it's about the animals, and the quality of the vets- and they were on the money.
i wonder if the seedy brookpark rd. strip clubs were around in the sixties?....hmm.
can't do 1/2s, but i give the er on the west side a solid 3 1/2 stars- borderline four.