Don't be fooled -- Pancheros is no Chipotle. I've tried this place twice and each time I was disappointed. First, I got a burrito. Those tortillas they rave about are not anything special... they taste like the "cook at home" tortillas that grocery stores sell. I was not a fan of the rice or the skimpy other ingredients.
I am currently sitting here eating my salad, this is going to be my last dish from Pancheros. I do not believe that the ingredients are fresh. The chicken is bland and the dallop of guacamole is not worth a dollar extra. Where's my salad dressing?
Let's not forgot the customer service. Today I was greeted with servers who seemed bored, unhappy, and were not audible with the loud music.
I will not be going to Pancheros again. I am unsatisfied, feeling ripped off, and throwing my lunch in the garbage.