With Wade Moises at the helm, there was no better real, high-end Italian cuisine in the Valley. Marcellino's is quite good as well, but not necessarily better. Inventive, fresh and authentic. The setting is a bit over-the-top-North Scottsdale, but beautifully executed. Eating on the patio there can be heavenly. The long drive home, less so. That drive being further frustrated by the consistently best martinis in the Valley. You have to watch yourself, cuz they go down smooth.
But with Wade leaving, I fear for the future of Sassi. This is a potential blessing, in that his new place will be in downtown Phoenix, leaving Sassi to find a competent replacement (who won't have the former exec in his backyard). And it means Wade's amazing handmade pastas will be closer to my belly.
But it remains to be seen if they can find the right replacement. Tall order to fill. Best of luck, Sassi!