Here is an email my daughter sent to Monika, leasing office: btw, no reply!
Upon my arrival last night from home to The Domain at 12:30am, I could not find my car where I parked it. Security was completely unhelpful and directed me to the towing company signage. I called the towing company, who was unable to verify my car was there. So I called the police, who were able to tell me my car was in fact at Strategic Towing, where it had been towed on January 3 at 4pm. I called Strategic AGAIN and told them it IS there and to look AGAIN. They found it in their system and notified me it was there and available for pick up from 9-5 Monday-Friday for $135.00. I cannot pay this! I cannot get a ride during business hours! My friends have jobs!
My car was parked on the 2nd floor of the parking garage. I have been notified via e-mail by Alexis Brown that resident parking is on the 2nd and 3rd floors. I have a parking permit in my window that was issued to me last fall. WHY WAS MY CAR TOWED? I was unable to care for pets that needed care at my new place in Mesa last night, I NEED my car by tomorrow morning for work, and I feel completely imprisoned in an unsafe apartment because I have no way of leaving or getting my stuff out without MY CAR! My roommate, X, notified me her car was also towed because she was on the first floor (guest parking). Makes sense, except for the fact that they saw her park, know her well, and did not say anything to her!? They then towed her car without any warning. Makes no sense... until she told me your head of security here is also the tow truck driver? So he is making a buck on us all TWICE!? Talk about cheaters!! That all aside, after some conversation with my roommate, X, I learned some haunting information about occurrences in OUR apartment during my absence. X sister, Y, was able to get into our LOCKED apartment while X was in California. X and her sister are NOT on good terms. X came home to pizza boxes and Coors Light cans in OUR APARTMENT?! There are also decorations missing from our common area since her sister's unwanted visit, and $1,000 cash missing from X's room!!! She filed a police report, but despite Y's admitting she was in our apartment the police were unable to prove ANYTHING as pertains to missing property because there are no cameras, except at the entrances, of the Domain! This is the SECOND POLICE REPORT FOR BREAKING AND ENTERING OUR APARTMENT WITHIN A MONTH!! So now I understand, ANYONE can get ANY key, not only to ANY ROOM IN THE COMPLEX, but to ANY APARTMENT? I am literally scared for not only the security of my possessions, but MY PERSONAL SAFETY! I was unable to even fall asleep here last night until 5am because I kept imagining the front door being unlocked to our apartment by her vengeful and spiteful sister, or worse a complete stranger! I have also become aware that Z (different roommate) gave her key to one of her friends, A, when she left the country. This girl now has access to our apartment and Z's room!? What in the...???!!! This girl was one of her accomplices in the vandalism of B's room (3rd roommate). She has also been discovered in our apartment at other times by X without any of us being home (because Z gives her the keys). She is a main suspect for MY MISSING money and kitchen-ware. In other news, I learned that X's boyfriend, an ASU football player, was able to not only miss THREE MONTHS of rent and pay WITHOUT LATE FESS, but can also end his lease without a sublet. Just because he's on the ASU football team, and whoever he's close with has this power!? WHY CAN'T I GET OUT OF THIS PRISON??! I will do my best to get her name, but according to X she's pretty high up in power at this place. Also, when maintenance and other out-sourced companies came to clean and rip carpet from B's old room, no one was notified. X told me they knocked once and walked in. WE ARE GIRLS! We are not always dressed for strange company IN OUR OWN APARTMENT. She had no pants on!! Talk about sexual harassment! I have expressed my concern on this issued to Alexis Brown in the past. Alexis addressed by concern and assured me that there were notes on the office's bulletin AND maintenance's to call EACH OF US in this apartment before sending ANYONE in (I have e-mail to prove this too)! When did this arrangement go by the way-side?? We highly value our personal privacy in our own apartment!! I feel morally obligated to not let any other decent person be in the situations I have endured at The Domain. I feel it is WRONG to let another person take over my lease, just as it is WRONG for you to keep me locked into an UNSAFE and INSECURE environment!! I NEED TO BE RELEASED FROM MY LEASE AT THE DOMAIN. What does it take? This place is ridiculous! I will be sure to share my experiences with fellow students looking for housing!! I would never recommend The Domain to anyone, unless they are okay with the fact that anyone can get into their apartment and their room at any time...