I want to give ZERO STARS! Management don't care about the people who live here! Oh you have scorpions crawling in your baby room? We can spay EVERY WEEK AND STILL SCORPIONS EVERYWHERE!!!!! Our light went out the one buy the door and we get charged $2 to replace it? Wtf never had I ever been at an apartment complex where they charge you for light bulbs that go out!!!!!! And don't even dare ask the black lady in the office any thing! EVERYTHING OUT HER MOUTH is rude she has the WORST GUEST SERVICE SKILLS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO don't DARE FORGET TO PUT UR HANDICAP PASS UP! YOUR CAR AUTOMATICALLY GETS TOWED!!!!!!!! Mines was parked for 4 hours! And got towed wtf 4 hours!!!!!!!!!!! And gone! $275 blown away in the wind ! I parked there daily the one day my pass is not in the window my car is towed! No notice no ticket NOTHING JUST AUTOMATIC TOW! Also if you have a large package and a baby don't think you will get help to get ur package to ur door! They don't care and will send your package back because apparently they might get hurt if they help you! Oh and don't forget an ID even if they see you daily and know it's ur damn package the black lady is extremely petty and still wants to see your I'd!!! Smh I hate this complex and it mainly because of the management! And yes EVERY TIME I SEE NEW PEOPLE ABOUT TO SIGN A LEASE AND THE ASK ME! I totally tell them not to move here! Especially if you have babies or kids! These scorpions are poisonous!