Soooo, this review is long over due (: Sorry ladies! Well what can i say, Yasmeen is the shit. No lies no exaggeration. Shes fast, fair, and best of all honest. She dont bs you, she says what it is, for me and my beautiful lox it was said like this... ill do my best no promises because that picture is edited...gues what bitches, she matched the photo EXACTLY! Lol i swear we'd be bffs if i lived close. Also, she fixed a hair cut ....that was already supposed to be fixed! I went twice to Dolce and those hoes couldn't seem to get it right. Thanks to the Hair Goddess Yasmeen, my hair is bad ass muah to you wonder woman! I cant wait for my next appointment (wich is over due too) still looks great tho! #teamyasmeen yasmeens will make you feen, her mean hair game is on point! #youllgogagaoveryaya