SCREW YOU UNITED!!!! More like DIVIDED Airlines.
Worst customer service ever. Hands down. Worst. Not even going to lie.
I purchased tickets to fly from Phoenix to Fort Lauderdale and back. We were leaving May 2nd and returning the 5th. I purchased them through YOUR website at a nominal fee because they were straight through no stops which I thought was pretty epic. $620 a ticket? Straight through? No stops? Pretty bitchin deal I thought.
You sent me my conformation email giving me the flight numbers, times, insurance info all that happy shit. What you neglected to tell me was that this flight was actually through US Air.
Parked at Terminal Two. Traveled FOREVER through Phx to get to your crappy out building somewhere in the BFE section of the airport an hour before my flight. It took 20 minutes to get through the line only for the kiosk, A FUCKING COMPUTER, to tell me that the flight was being run through US Air. A dickhead service guy then bitched and moaned about how WE, my husband and I, fucked up and you were not responsible and directed us to march our happy asses out of your mold infested fly catcher of a terminal and back onto the bus and back to, you guessed it, TERMINAL TWO where US Air was held in the real portion of the airport.
Of course when we got there I was already hyperventilating because our flight was closed and we'd missed it. Lucky for us, and you, US Air is not only amazing, but HUMAN and got us taken care of no problems. Sure... It wasn't the straight through flight landing at 4 pm EST... And I'd have to sit in Charlotte FOREVER... And I wouldn't be landing until 1am EST some 9 hours later and TOTALLY having to pay for that hotel day anyway.
You people SUCK. Your customer service SUCKS. Talking to the people in your call center SUCKS. Writing a complaint to you and receiving no response other than it's my fault for not realizing that it was a code shared flight even though all of the documentation I have CLEARLY doesn't state that ANYWHERE (even in the fine print. I looked) SUCKS.
This is one airline that I sincerely hope happens to go the way of the dodo. Worthless.