I contacted Mr.Bills Plumbing service to fix my broken door. I contacted him on the messaging service through yelp and he answered right away which was good and wanted to come see the door for an estimate. When he came for the estimate he did not even measure the door which should have been my first red flag. He just said ok yea that's a standard door size. He said it would take about three to four hours to complete the work when he came to fix the door. He ended up taking three days to complete his work, and about 3-4 hours each day and each day he would say oh well I'm tired I'm gonna go home instead of trying to finish my door. He was late every day he came and I tried to call him and he wouldn't answer and his mail box was full, the last day he was 45min late. My door frame was in tact and he proceeded to take my entire door apart and then tried to charge me more than the estimate for the extra wood he had to buy to put the frame back (which was primed and not painted when done). The final straw was when I gave him all of the materials needed on the first day he began his work like the door knob, chain, and peep hole. On the last day he needed to install the peephole and he lost it and tried to insinuate that it was me that misplaced it. When he went to go get another one he got the wrong color and installed in incorrectly. I paid him for the door and work he had done and he said he would return with the correct peephole and he never returned after getting his money. He was sloppy with his work, he left the outside and inside near the door a mess and he clearly lacked integrity. I would not hire him again.
By his response you can tell what kind of man you are dealing with use precaution people! Real integrity by saying you would come back and fix something and never come back after payment and oh sorry I have a job and need to pay bills and don't have the luxury of taking off whenever I want and you lying and saying it would only take three hours.