I'm taking a salsa class here and I love it!
Before I take a class here I took a class from one of the best (people says but i dont think so) school which is base in NYC but i didnt really enjoy their class. They don't teach detail and show the dance pattern and just made me copy it.
But here C.D.C is totally different. They teach so detail and also their salsa style is very unique and very stylish. I've dance for 3 years but most my friends are dance instructor of salsa in other countries. So i know who is good teacher. Many people make a mistake to think good dancer is good teacher. Sometime Yes. But most of time No.
C.D.Cs teachers are very professional and friendly. Also people in the class are so nice too. You won't never feel shy to come to class by youself. salsa class starts with stretching and spin techniques and partnership connection. (most salsa class in toronto don't stretch!)
Best Salsa and Tango class !!
Also it's so good price for class fee. Unlimited class pass is only 130$!!!
I took a class for 230$ once a week ×6weeks in other school but..feel like I wasted money since I know this school.
Highly recommend for salsa and tango!!!