Most reviews here are valid! Let me break it down for you:
1. Management sucks. No accountability. No repairs in a timely fashion. No one answers the phone.
2. Mandatory fees: Cable/TV, C.A.M, W/S/G that add almost $200 extra to the rent.
3. Ground Maintenance: Inconsistent. Looks nice at the front of the property. Pool maintenance lacks!
4. Gated Community: HAHA what a joke. Those gates are constantly doing their own thing.
5. Mail Room has been unlocked and accesible to ANYONE.
6. CRIME: yea it happens. But they fail to communicate to tenants when it happens. Apparently there's been a PEEPING TOM and no communication has been sent out, inexcusable. HIRE SECURITY!!!
There's only 1 solid person who is probably under appreciated and overworked: the assistant manager Gayle, and you receive the 1 Star.
If AMC is attempting to market the prospective tenants, y'all need to step it up and have accountability and listen to your residents.
Torreyana residents should start a Tenants Union and maybe look at getting the Media involved to really show what's going on.