I am writing this review not to throw salt in anybody's game or to throw shade, but I feel like I need to let my black women know what's up in regards to our choices regarding hair salons, especially in Arizona where the pickings are slim. Warning; if you don't see another black woman working in the hair salon or you don't see another patronizing the salon, run as fast as you can! Seriously, all Stylists are not created equal!! Let me repeat, all Stylists are not created equal. The only type of white girl you want in your head is the chick who hangs out with pookie and dem and definitely my girl, Rachel dolezal. Straight up!!
I should have known better, but I wanted to try a new experience, an equal opportunity experience. Coloring all hair textures shouldn't be hard. No need for a style, just color and go! I mean, how hard could it be to color a pinch of coarse hair?? Not a big ass afro, but a pinch of hair?!
So I wanted my hair a vibrant blue black color. I sent photos ahead of time. Michelle explained to me the pros and cons of bleaching the hair to achieve the desired result, which I appreciated since I explained to her that I was trying to grow it out . But sometimes you have to give the customer what they want.
First, she dyed my hair black and mixed blue into it. Nothing showed up. Then, she put a demi color on my hair to try to lift it slighty. While the hair was wet, it appeared to have a slight tint, but that turned out to be just the reflection of the water in my hair from the lighting. I found that out real quick as soon as this kinky hair dried up. I paid $75 for the same color I had when I left.
I reached back out to her because nothing showed up. I told her that i wanted to do whatever it took to get the desired results, especially since i spent $90($75, and still left a tip to be nice). She agreed to fix it the next day. So she starts to lift my hair, and I notice she didn't put me under the dryer. My hair has been lifted to gold blonde in the past, and the Stylist put me under the dryer. I didn't say anything because she is the professional, and I trusted that she knew what she was doing. She left it on for about 30 minutes and then she washed it out. She showed me what it looked like, it wasn't lifted evenly, it was 3 different colors, lighter in some areas and darker in others.I didn't think anything of it, because again, I gave her the benefit of the doubt because this is her expertise
But I hindsight, that made all of the difference. When she added the color and rinsed, we finally saw a little progress...under the artifical light. I was happy!! I couldn't wait to go stunt and show off my hair. I dropped another $10 for a total of $100!!
I walk outside And my daughter says, "mommy, your hair is green and blue. Wtf!! I didnt ask for mermaid hair. She took these photos of my hair so I could see, and I was mortified!! My hair looks like someone scribbled with a green and blue crayon in the lower part of my hair and the top is black with some speckling of color.
I am super disappointed! My shit is dry af, itchy, and damaged because of this mishap. I spent $100 and I look like a fool. I give this place 2 thumbs down and a black girl starter kit hair tutorial!