Budget Dental provides free wifi, which you will need due to the extremely long waits. I have had the displeasure of going to Budget Dental two times, both times I waiting over an hour and a half after my appointment time.
Today I had a 3:00 p.m. appointment for 3 fillings. After arriving 15 minutes early, because I have respect for prompt service and meeting appointment on time! I sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes after my appointment time, making a total of 1 hour sitting in the waiting room.
I was then called back to the operation room where I witnessed dust clods hanging from the operation light. This is a health hazard, as it could have fallen while the dentist has my mouth open, and not to mention how disgusting it is to have dust bunnies as they are made up of past patients sluffed off skin cells, which were delicately hanging over the operation area. When I pointed the left over bodily excretions of past patients, the nurse, or receptionist replied "oh sorry" I managed to get the dust bunny off the light onto the floor, which is when the receptionist giggled and again said "sorry"
I was left in the room for another 45 minutes. By this time I had made two trips to the restroom, my phone battery had completely died, multiple people entered and opened drawers, but never once acknowledged my presence in the room. After waiting a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes to see a dentist to fill my 3 cavities, I finally got up after I heard the receptionist on her cell phone at 4:30 p.m. informing her significant other that they would be out by 5:00 p.m. because the doctor has something after work, so that means they are all leaving on time. She continued on about how she was excited to get out of work on time. This was when I got up and walked out. I realized there was no way the doctor was going to be able to see me and complete my fillings in less than 30 minutes, since everyone has pretty much ignored my presence since arrival.
I not only had to take time off work to be able to make my scheduled appointment, of which I lost 1.5 hours of pay while I waited for nothing, because the doctor never showed up! I still have 3 cavities!
The funny thing is Budget Dental has a no show policy and charges $50 for being late or not showing or canceling 24 hours prior. They require you to sign the policy when scheduling. This creates a contract between you and the doctor, that you will show up on time and that they will also show up on time. I will be sending a bill to Budget Dental for my time, as I believe all men are created equal, and thus my time is just as valuable as the dentists time. If Budget Dental can not meet the schedule and see patients at their scheduled appointment time, how do you expect to charge people for not showing up, or being late? I suggest a scheduling overhaul so you can accommodate the daily large patient load.
I will be seeking another dentist, one which respects their patients and upholds their contracts.