Discovered this place from fellow yelpers, and decided to give it a try after a "yelp roulette" with a hungry buddy of mine.
The joint isn't too big, it's a nice little spot that's decorated very bright, colorful and has minimalistic flair. Reminds me of being in a frozen yogurt establisment.
Greeted with a smile and welcoming faces, I gazed upon the black chalkboard menu. Waffles.. Waffles.. And.. A WAFFLE SANDWICH?! I ordered it without hesitation. It was very different, but in the very best way possible. A sandwich, comprised of two waffles with pieces of bacon cooked into them, with ham, lettuce and tomatoes wedged between the starchy goodness. There was a dressing that I can't recall what it was, but it had a sweet flavor. The sandwich definetely works. Textures are great, flavors of the bacon-infused waffle really stand out along with the sandwiches internals. It came with a pickle slice and some chips.
I haven't been back since that first visit, and I really should to try out the traditional waffle dishes.