Acres of pretty, glittery things. Fun to walk through, ("Wow, look at all the dazzling displays!"), but look's cheaply made crap that pops up in consignment stores all over town on a regular basis. Everything appears virtually the your choice of silver or gold! One-note and boring.
Tough to get a salesperson's attention and when you do, they're indifferent, if not dismissive. You can tell who the new (and, apparently, "temporary") staff are.....they're the "eager to help you" friendly ones, LOL. Sadly, those employees don't seem to stick around too long.
But the biggest negative about shopping here is that Z Gallerie has an ODIOUS RETURN POLICY: if you attempt to return something without a receipt, they DEDUCT 20% from the store credit they're already unhappy about "giving" you! Yep...that's right. Even if the item is STILL on the floor, at it's ORIGINAL price, you have the pleasure of returning it for 20% LESS than you paid! Their "logic" is that you (or whomever purchased it) "may have used a coupon".... i.e., the suggestion is that you're trying to beat ZG out of some revenue.
REALLY?? Didn't know Z Gallerie even offered coupons.
Doesn't matter though...I won't shop here again.