Watch your credit card statement. On November 6th, my colleague and I went to Stingray for the great happy hour we'd heard about. And, it is a great happy hour, price-wise. For $10.64 I had a beer and more than enough sushi, being sure to order the happy hour items our server told us about. I tipped her$4.00 so the total on my receipt was $14.64.
Several days later, I was reviewing my credit card statement and saw $26.26 had been charged by Stingray. I asked my colleague to check his statement, and low and behold, he'd also been overcharged. He contacted the restaurant and ended up speaking with the owner, who apologized and corrected the problem. I believe he ended up crediting the entire amount back to my friend's card.
I've called Stingray twice and explained the situation. As of today, November 19th, nobody has called me back and there are no credits on my statement. Now, $11.52 isn't a lot of money, but it's the principal. How were they able to overcharge me when my signed credit card slip has a lower amount?