...this is a cigar store...
...a cigar store has cigars in it...you put one end in your mouth and you ignite the other end with some type of flame providing instrument. When properly done a subtle ambiance over takes the smoker and time starts to slow down and the thing you worried about all day can now be dealt with at a later time...seats are provided so you can sit and lie to the guy next to you about how rich you are or how big your wife's/girlfriend's breasts are...time slips away imperceptibly...if you are hungry the proprietor, Mark, has provided something for the stomach and perhaps a shot or two of something if you choose...an enormous variety of cigars providing for every price range. Mark is a most gracious host and quick with snappy repartee and usually a freebee if you buy the right smoke. If you are in anyway not accommodating to this type of establishment don't go and try and piss somebody off...no one will give a shit and they'll just tell stories about you after you have gone...the only possible negative that I have is that everything is not priced. I have many hands out in my home and at certain times of the month a less expensive cigar is required...the Christmas party is not to be missed...