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Perhaps the very core of CrossFit to me is in it's purity. CrossFit is a reflection of what really lies deep beneath you. The very core of you. What you put in is what you get. Plain and simple. She will break you or make you in that regard - if you give her your all, she will open the very virtues of your spirit that perhaps your career and or personal life never gave you the opportunity to test and forge. It is testament to where you are in life, where you want to go, and what you are willing to sacrifice to get there. We all like to think we embody the virtues we idol and praise, but CrossFit reveals if they are in fact apart of you. This is what CrossFit Magna helped me find. And that very ethos found in CrossFit is directly embodied in the owners of Magna - BK and Katie. They take significant pride in what they have created and in my opinion I don't think BK and Katie will ever be content. Just like the athletes found inside Magna's box, there is a constant battle with content and mediocrity. Each WOD, each class is structured to help continue to forge the very best in each athletes goals. The most amazing part of BK and Katie's coaching is that it feeds more than just the body but spirit and mind as well. They challenge all the core principals that translate to many other areas in life, not just CrossFit. For that reason, it is no surprise to me that CrossFit Magna is filled with special athletes. Athletes who seek to not only better themselves but those around them. BK and Katie are more then exceptional athletes they are exceptional human beings. My three years in Arizona were the hardest years of my life but the few months spent here easily outweighed the bad times. I now find myself in a new box, and I find myself missing Magna more then I thought I possibly could. I try and hear my old coaches in my ear, I recall all the tips I received from each athlete at Magna, and I find myself engulfed in sadness because they are not there. The sport I was so engulfed by now questions my very love of it. Those warm smiles I took for granted are missing. My fatigue sets in quicker as I struggle to find those familiar faces in my mind and I realize : CrossFit is nothing without it's life line which is the special community found inside that special box. And just like that rare athlete found once in a century with an endless work effort and humble demeanor as if anyone can accomplish his feats, so too is CrossFit Magna. A box one stumbles once in a lifetime. I miss each and every one of them. CrossFit Magna will always have my heart and I carry them with me as I face my new challenge within CrossFit I envy anyone being able to call CrossFit Magna their home. -Alex