CONDENSED IN A SOUP CAN: People eat here! They have reasonably-priced go-to meals to satisfy you for lunch, a casual date or a hangover binge. Real good stuff in pretty packages.
THE MEAT: The place is low-key, and probably looks much better at night. They have a chiller stocked with sake and friendly Japanese servers. They placed a plastic kiddie bowl and spork in front of my son. Cute. But I wish more of these places served fruit juice for the little ones. We settled for the Yuzu limeade. It was good, but for my taste a little too sweet and tangy (it made my jaw tingle and think of a concentrate). The salmon oshizushi was tasty, the rice may be thick but the salty cured fish and eggs balance it out. Hubby and I go gaga for any Jap sesame dressing on salad, I love the fact that their tempura sauce comes with grated radish, their half bowl udon kake was substantial and very good, and finally their Katsu-Don (pork on rice with egg) was excellent. We were happy stuffed.
The few items we were not so pleased with was the Kakuni, braised pork belly (the cut was surprisingly lean and just missed the mark of pork belly fatty orgasm) and the Zuke Tororo, marinated tuna and grated yam (instead or slices of tuna, we had a tartare next to a bed weird slimy and not very pleasant tasting tororo). Next time we'll try the other small plates, with sake and... dessert. Definitely dessert.
I'M STILL DIGESTING... that slimy tororo. It reminded me of... coarse Elmer's glue.