Day One:
When your heart is blank
Like an empty page
But then it fills up like the sun
Burning in lines of beauty
That's what this place is to me.
Later on Day One:
Caution! Look out for steep and corny rhymes:
Sometimes, you can get what you want and still be taken completely by surprise.
Exactly what you wished a thirty minute drive.
Started at Camelback and the 51
Looking for new dirt to hike up some fun
Glanced upon yelp and saw "Caves Buttes Rec Area," so we aimed that direction.
Got around there and noticed this "Sonoran Desert Drive" connection.
There it was, nearly new - Apache Wash Trailhead - and a stunning 360 view.
No, my eyes didn't deceive me and no I'm not blind.
This was a magical-near-miraculous find.
(You think that's an overstatement, then you're just not my kind.)
For just when I thought I'd climbed to see most every beautiful vista...I can tell you and you and you, sista and mista,
I've never seen nothing so close-near-to-town, seemingly so far out of the usual rounds....
It's amazing! You can go this way and that...up to the hilltop or over the flat.
Beware the javelinas in the wash you may find, they are wild and ARE said to be kinda blind. If you spook them...(run away and you please finish this rhyme)
Bring a bike, bring a horse, tote some water for sure,
"No potable water" just may be the cure.
For this place is a little beyond suburbia's blur;
no SRP, but surely some trail manure.
Now, I'm not saying that Piestewa isn't so nice,
I'm just saying that sometimes you need a new slice.
A Camel's back is an eternity's height
compared to this simple walk that's really quite light.
Apache Wash Trailhead isn't for one n'all
and surely not everyone will fall...
in love with this desert gem.
But, I know, I'll keep coming back...again and again.
Hang on a minute, I just dropped my pen...
Day Three:
And if you think surely I've had too much fresh air...come take a gulp, there's plenty to share.
what did you do with Day Two?:
Day Two, Day Two,
Like a rock, stuck in the sole of my shoe
It was right there.
It was real quiet right there.