Our 4 year old lab, Toby, became a patient of Dr. Ross Lirtzman TWICE in one year. Toby is an active hiker, swimmer, buddy - an All American Boy! When he started limping & slowing down, it was our regular vet who recommended ASG for the VERY BEST orthopedic veterinary surgical care.
Most Important about ASG:
*knowledgeable & skilled
*professional pre through post op
*up front about options & fees
*thorough explanation of injury, surgical procedure, & post op care
*dedicated to animal welfare - Toby LOVED the staff as they did him
*serious about aftercare with written instructions, follow up calls, meds to
promote healing, even Dr. Ross's cell # on a weekend!
*can view the surgery on a computer in "real time"
*CD of before/after joint damage & repair
Toby is post surgery 2+ months & improves daily. We can expect him to be hiking the trails & SUP with us shortly. THANK YOU Dr. Lirtzman, TWICE!
*As an aside, we purchased pet insurance when Toby was a puppy - ASG filled out the paperwork in a timely fashion & we received 80% of the total cost. Twice.