Wow my 200th review! So much pressure...
Hard to believe I could like any bank. But this one branch of a Wells Fargo bank definitely is an oasis in this desert town. Even during Christmas and right before any holiday they provide good service. I have seen them take extra time to explain things like how to use the ATM machines, various ways to get your balances, and different investment options. Some seniors in my extended family feel very intimidated and are even suspicious of online banking, Here you can quickly (that's the key word) get banking done without a computer. Others, like me, don't mind going online, or use their drive up ATM.
It's a small bank that really gets to know its long term regular customers like my relatives. There is turnover in tellers, but a few know them by name, and me by sight, and I'm only in here when I'm visiting. My relatives are yakkers anyway, so as long as they don't start discussing my cholesterol count or similar information, I'm fine. Overall it's a relatively pain free banking experience mainly cuz they're quick. My average waiting time is less than five minutes from entering the door to getting out, with 10 minutes being the longest. Parking is easy, and it's in a decent neighborhood conveniently located near Wal Mart and ALbertson's grocery sotres.
Some don't like the big plastic panels that separate the public from the teller, but to me, it's a deterrent for the bad guys.One added plus is that they have not just English and Spanish speaking tellers, they also have several Tagalog speaking tellers and customer service reps for the growing Filipino community near this branch.