What makes this location stand out from any other Tim's in the city? Well... it's certainly not the food or coffee! It's a tiny little store, tucked away in the middle of the east side of the Queens Quay terminal. (QQT is a rather tarted-up, touristy trapping, over-priced, yet appealing building with condos up top, offices just below and a retail concourse with a few restaurants)
The best part of this Tims is absolutely the patio. You can enjoy your beverage with the delightful sights, sounds, smells and birds that you only get right on Toronto Harbour at the foot of York street.
I can't give Timmy's a good review only because Timmys coffee SUCKS! (And they no longer fry up fresh anywhere! It's all frozen and re-heated) (Please don't send me hate mail or letter bombs... I just don't like the coffee. I find it way too weak for my taste. I'm a coffee snob I guess... It's the price I have to pay ever since getting a taste for finely crafted espresso by my own hand with my Italian machine) If you do like the coffee, then this place won't disappoint.
Also, due to the nature of this place, it's often SUPER busy, so if your absolutely itching for your timbit fix, you'll have to wait for it. Thankfully the line moves well... but since it's so out of the way with no external signage of any kind, you would expect it to be empty. Sadly no, it almost always has a lineup.