Worst insurance. Quick to take your payments but not so much when there is a claim. Just to report a claim you cannot speak to someone, always get a voicemail only. You have to leave a message and hope that someone will call you back. Once the claim is open, the assigned adjuster didn't want to give me his office address to mail documents. Stated I needed to fax them to him and that he would mail me a letter back once my document was received with his address (what's the big secret??). Attempted 20+ times to fax and the fax number does not go through. Called adjuster to get alternate fax number or a email address to send it informing of the problem I was having, and also refused stating something about the fax goes straight to his computer and that the cable fiberoptics in phoenix are not great and to continue faxing the docuements (refusing to give me any other way to get this docuemnt to him). After close to 40 attempts to fax the document for over 5 hours, the following morning attempted to call the main number to possibly have someone else give me an alternalte number to claims department, just to get a voicemail stating that the operator hours are from M-F, 8-5 and to call back later (mind you it wasa Thursday morning, past 8:30 am already). Spent 1/2 day trying to reach the adjuster or someone in the claims department with no success. Extremely frustrating dealing with this company. I finally called and opted to speak to the customer service department instead of the claims department and explain my frustration, even though they have nothing to do with claims, the rep gave me and alternate fax #. For any and all that are having the same problem, the main fax # is 602/242-3838.
If you want this insurance, pray that you will never need to make any sort of claim because if you do, good luck getting through to these people. Definately need to work on their communication skills. Sounds like a definate complain to the Arizona Department of Insurance so they can help me move this along. It is like pulling teeth with these people just to get the claim going. Would not recommend this insurance to my worst enemy.