4 Stars means, "Yay! I'm a Fan." Truthfully I feel bad for not doing 5 stars, because the food and service were very good, the place was squeaky clean, the food was healthy, and the menu was really informative and well-designed.
Really my only complaint was that I was chilly, but as a Woman of a Certain Age, my personal thermostat is a little touchy.
The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is that the restaurant isn't really my groove. The tart flavor of my chicken schwarma was exactly what I wanted that day, after all the sweetness of the holidays, but probably won't go back for another six months or so, because I'm drawn toward more traditional American fare (I know; I'm so pedestrian).
But if you're even one millimeter more worldly than I am, you are absolutely going to love this place. And if you're not, you definitely should try it at least once.