It's sad when an employee makes you not want to be a customer anymore.
This is a Quick Pita / Steak and Cheese Factory joint venture. I've ordered things from SaCF through Just-Eat a couple of times, for delivery, and loved it, the food and the service. The last of those times the delivery guy suggested me to order directly with them.
I tried to order it on a Saturday. It was 10 PM and the pamphlet said they were open 'til 11, so I figured out, there should be no problem. A kinda clueless teenage girl took my whole order, confirmed it, confirmed my address, got my credit card info, only to call me back 10 minutes after to tell me that it was too late to order.
You could have checked that before getting my order, but that's fine.
Then today I tried to order again, the same teenage girl took my order but this time she told me they'd send the credit card machine with the delivery guy and I would pay it at the actual delivery. Great! Food gets here, the delivery guy who doesn't speak or understands a word of English tells me to swipe the card - without typing any amount first, what's unusual. An error message appears, he doesn't know what to do. Calls the restaurant and the girl tells me to try some stuff with the machine that didn't work. She tells me that she will call the manager and then call back. "Should I just stand here in my hallway with the delivery guy?" "Yes, please". What? You know, when I order food it's because I'm kinda hungry... but what do I know.
Ten minutes go by, me and the delivery guy trying to figure out the machine without success... she calls back and instructs me to try some other stuff, all to no avail. She tells me then that she doesn't know what to do. "Can you figure this out and then come back so I can pay? I'm really hungry, I could use some food" "uuhhhmmmm... no sir... you have to pay, we cannot leave" "what? How is it my fault that your machine is not working?" "it's not your fault, but it's not my fault either" - ???
At this point I was 100% fed up, gave the food back to the delivery guy and asked them to get the hell out.
What happened to customer comes first? What would they lose by coming back later? $1.25 (1 litre of gas)? This girl is a genius. Made the business lose two happy customers over the threat of spending $1.25 to compensate for a problem that was caused by them.
I hope the owners of this place read this. Maybe it will prevent damage being done to people that are still interested in being their customers (hint: we're not among them).