I have seen Dr Luzod for about 10-12years. My Husband met him at a baby expo, when I was expecting. He talked to my husband about how NUCCA could help his migraines. We did not have insurance that covered his visits, so rather than a wellness plan, we were on an as needed basis.
Recently, one morning I woke up, out of the blue, with what felt like stabbing pains, spasms on lower left side of my back. I had to roll on my stomach and "slide" off my bed in order to get up. I called hubby to tell him to come home and take me to an emergency room, it was that bad. He told me to go see Dr Luzod. I was in so much pain-could not think straight. I managed to get myself together, and made it to his office. We took some x-rays, and I had some issues going on. We discussed my options, and he adjusted me. I walked out of his office able to stand straight up. I saw him about 3-4 days a week for the next 6-8 weeks. My sleep has improved as well as that nagging pain my back has disappeared. He has an associate, Dr Gardner in with him also. Both are superb. I make it a point to go in for an adjustment at least once or twice a week just to make sure I am in allignment. It makes all the difference. His staff is very friendly also. Keep up the great work.