#127 Located downstairs next to the 19 September arriving Nordstrom you will find the Microsoft store with the ubiquitous Windows logo above the entrance.
Browse the selection of Surface 2 and 3 tablets, Dell and HP laptops (mostly touchscreen), x-box, and related accessories.
Friendly staff that work on commission but not pushy or aggressive so found 2 people that were knowledgeable.
See the 3-D Printer on back left of the x-box dance revolution display; totally geeky and cool!
Also, browse the Nokia based Windows phones for deals on your favourite carrier.
I was able to snag 2 tickets to the Corral to see The Band Perry since this was opening day.
Unfortunately, I did not hear of any discounts or deals on famed Windows products and services so that was a downer, dude.
But for the geek Elite, well worth the visit.