I was a student at the school before it changed names. Over all it was a good experience. I had a lot of good instructors (all of which besides one no longer works there).
The one issue i had was the admissions person named Tamara. She is your best friend all the way up untill the day your paper work is done and then she bi polar and only nice when she wants something.
Today i got a text from my client that i recently cut her hair saying that Tamara complimented her hair and asked who did it. When she told her me Tamara's only response was on him, I didn't know he knew how to do anything except wear too tight of shirts. Very inappropriate coming from the admissions person at a school i graduated from and have sent many people in to talk to her about signing up and all of them have. I would like to think that a person who would drink on her lunch break, come in hung over and have many complaints twords her from students would be relieved of her job.