This summer, while I was living in hot, rainy Pittsburgh for a little bit, my bangs and I had entered Cousin It territory and I decided this was no way to live. I wanted it all gone. I decided to go to Pageboy because even though it's a little out of my normal price range ($50 for the haircut), I thought it was worth it for the all-important first pixie cut. My stylist was Chauncey, and I can't recommend her enough. She asked me what I wanted, explained everything she was going to do in normal-people speak, and told me she was excited about the cut. That's what you want to hear from a hairstylist! After she cut and dried, she asked me if there was anything I would change and was very receptive to making the back a little shorter. When she was done, I LOVED it. It was absolutely perfect, but she still told me that if in a few days I wasn't happy with anything (she had left the sides a bit long using the logic that it was easy to take off too much length, but there was nothing to be done about cutting too much off) I could come back and she would fix it. I didn't take her up on it, but it definitely made me feel confident about the cut. Chauncey was also great to talk to during the haircut--I've never been one to talk during haircuts at all, but she got this unfriendly New York native jabbering away. I highly, highly recommend her.
Also, I got a really great blue polka dot skirt here that I can't wait to wear swing dancing. Great store!