Sweat pants-wearing, NASCAR-watching, BudLight-slurping humanoids aren't as easily converted to specialty coffee as hipsters and city folk. I'm not judging such fate as a ghastly act of mankind; it's just that in this neck of the woods, we have to take what we can get.
If I was to rate this based on the single pour-over I have tasted from here, it would be a solid five stars. I was highly pleased to find that they had Akron Coffee on bar because Akron Coffee is the new best coffee in the [Akron] area. But it was my first time to try it so I played it safe with a Yirgacheffe pour-over which was said to have a pleasant balance of strawberries, cocoa and cinnamon. And yes, it was wow, quite pleasant indeed. It was very sweet and as it cooled it became increasingly buttery. In fact, the last of it got entirely cold and at that point it became one of the most butteryest, most smoothest, most bestest coffees I've ever slorked. In contrast, I sampled a bit of Oak Grove coffee of forgotten origin brewed via airpot, which was not so pleasant.
They don't do espresso which is understandably a problem for some people. But for me, I find a bit of joy in seeing others as dedicated to high quality drip and filter coffee as I am myself. It's so much simpler that way and that's how these guys operate. A clean well designed coffee house with a simple menu is all anyone has ever needed. It's true. Less I better. Sometimes.