Oh my god! This place is amazing!
First of all you have to know that I am French. I enjoy American food but actually this place could be an upscale French restaurant.
Great place to bring a date if you don't mind to spend so much money, but actually it's worth it...
I had a beer, a great IPA, rotator from widmer brothers. Very nice.
Then we ordered some appetizers, some seafood, shrimps and crab and lobster plate. That was beautiful, fresh and the sauces with it were so good. I was already full after this but we had then one of their suggestion. A huge piece of beef for 2 with a very long bone. I can't remember its name. Sides : the corn and mashed potatoes with garlic. Insane. Great. We also had some onions, so tasty! Amazing!
I was so full after this but I couldn't resist to try one of their desserts. I had the creme brûlée, and god it was perfect! I tried several times before but that one is the best I had in USA. Served with fresh berries.
And then, the coffee. You guys don't know what is a real espresso, I'm sorry to tell you this. But actually Flemings espresso is great!
Oh and, I forgot the most important... The bread. They give you a big piece with sauces, blue cheese and a whipped butter. Oh my god this is the best bread I had in the area. Even if it's not as good as French baguette, that was pretty good.
I will go back to that place for sure, expensive one but worth it so bad!