My windshield needed to be replaced due to rock damage from highway driving. I contacted my insurance agent and they recommended Safelite. Within an hour a Safelite representative contacted me to schedule an appointment. For my convenience, they agreed to replace the windshield at my work location on a date and time that worked best for me. I was surprised to get an email with the name and picture of the technician who would be performing the work. The technician called me prior to his arrival to confirm my address and make sure I was ready to have the work done. Jordan was very friendly, professional, and did an excellent job. He explained approximately how long the job would take and within less than an hour it was completed. Jordan had me inspect his work and provided me with warranty information and basic instructions. With a "thank you for your business", a smile and an handshake Jordan was on his way. This was the easiest auto repair/maintenance service I have ever experienced. I couldn't wait to tell my co-workers. I would highly recommend Safelite to anyone who needs auto glass repaired or replaced.