Simply put... Go for the gnocci. It's the only pasta dish on the menu that is made from scratch. Typically the service is okay. For me, it's a once a year type of restaurant. Just because I can have an amazing Italian dining experience elsewhere for more value. The prices are generally inflated at Linguini and if you start comparing against authentic Italian restaurants downtown, you begin to feel ripped-off. But, if you live in the West and you don't feel like making the trek DT, this could be a good substitute for the night. Clearly, it's a destination restaurant and you are paying for the "ambiance" and I only recommend this restaurant if you have the money to explore restaurants. Most couples and family gatherings enjoy the cosy caban atmosphere. The wine list selection is good, but there are not many good price values to find (I could be wrong, but I didn't see any reds under 40$). So, sure you can go for the salmon, lasagna, rack of lamb, or steak, which are all good, but I just find it's funny that the name is Linguini, when the only fresh pasta made in house is gnocci. I believe a name change is in order.