Why would I give a 4-star to this little specialty store, where every item is ridiculously overpriced? .... because it has the most inviting décor, very unique ornaments and in the perfect location in the garden of the fabulous Bellagio!
Extravagance manifested in every corner and item and the way they are displayed! More is more it looks like.
I loved the store so much, that I went back for a second look after playing, in case I was just awe-stricken the first time. No, definitely it is a beautiful store, ornaments large and small are exquisite, and abundant! They had many famous brands like Michael Aram, and Mackenzie-Childs, etc.. So many knickknacks, Santa's, and little decorative trees... This store is a feast to the eyes and all that is Holiday-ish and festive!
I wanted to give them a 5-star, but the 2 female employees' attitude to serve and smile didn't commensurate with the merchandise and festive atmosphere. They were so nonchalant... they made the extra-ordinary ordinary.
Do visit the store, worth the viewing. Every item could be a museum piece!