5 stars, HANDS DOWN! This place practically was the reason I got the job at the ER! I needed ACLS/PALS certification ASAP, I had no time for the 2 day class for each certification, and all over Vegas, the next available classes were past my due date. I called SAM, and he offered for me to do the lecture/exam portion online and to come in to do the skills certification for 75 bucks each. In addition because I did ACLS/PALS, he offered to do my BLS recert skills for free! All I had to do was the online portion and when I'm ready, he schedules you in 24-48 hours later! You do the lecture/exam portion online with American Heart Association, ACLS/PALS was 132 each, and BLS was 28 bucks. The ACLS/PALS at Prism is 199 each, & BLS is around 50. So you save yourself 4 days of class and receive that convenience, which pretty much adds up the same anyways. I highly recommend you bring a friend or colleague who needs the certification, so you don't feel alone doing the skills portion, I brought one of my nursing friends & we were able to do a bunch of scenarios! THANKS SAM!!!!