Took a hospital patient for an outing (approved community visit).
Well, it's the social security office. Doesn't really sound like a wonderful experience at the get go.
Other hospital staff have reported the social security office workers who have assisted our patients have never provided postive customer interaction.
Nice people in line? They helped provide room for me to wheel the patient through the human packed entrance and other people made room for the patient in the wheelchair and for me to sit.
- long lines to wait to be seen by staff
- the staff member available to assist my patient was impatient with my patient recovering from a stroke because he required extra time to process her questions.
- when he asked why the amount he was provided monthly was lower than he expected and had been previously informed, she told him he should be thankful for what he gets, without a hint of empathy.
I saw a record high of 0 smiles from the assistance staff the day I took my patient. My patient was left more confused and self conscious than ever by the end of the experience.