I was in chronic hip pain for 3.5 long years. I tried every treatment known to man including chiropractic,physio, massage, acupuncture, and even spinal decompression. Everyone who treated me came to quick conclusions as to what my issue was with no formal assessment, and everyone claimed they could help me. Needless to say they were unsuccessful.
Thank God for Jocelyn! I went to see her for a massage one day and she genuinely cared about my pain and she did a casual assessment to try to locate the cause of my pain. She is the strongest and best massage therapist I have ever got. She urged me to try chiropractic care again with Dr Brad. In my first session with him he did a full assessment with proper diagnostic testing and he confirmed what Jocelyn thought it was. With regular appointments with Dr Brad my pain was close to gone in 3 weeks.
I have continued to see the physiotherapy team which includes Alexis and Ankit. With trying diligently to do my exercises, I am pain free.
Thank you momentum health creekside! I will forever refer to you as my dream team!
Oh, and the reception team is excellent!