We had previously boarded our dog here many times and we're happy with the services until one afternoon we picked him up. They had told my husband our dog had gotten bit, but it was just a "friendly" nip from another dog. They said they put some antibiotic ointment on it, but it wasn't bad. With having no experience in dog bites, we took their word. By the end of the next day it seemed to really bother him so we took him to the vet, the vet shaved the area and the other dogs teeth had pierced through his hind leg creating a tunnel of bacteria. The vet said if we would've waited longer he probably have lost that area of his hind leg. The girls fed us and their general manager a completely twisted and sugar coated story. We found out it was an out of town dog that had his first visit here and became aggressive and bit our dog. They didn't call us when it happened that night, our dog spent the night in pain all alone. Not even the next morning, but the afternoon when my husband picked him up. Please consider this when you board your dog. We changed to camp bow wow strongsville (which has cameras to replay anything like that if it were to happen). Please don't trust them, especially after an incident like this.