Awful customer service. Rude young man. I get that I'm not the normal college demographic, but come on. I just needed some new coils and juice. He acted like he was doing me a huge favor just to talk to me. Then I saw on their sign they give military discounts. As a veteran, I asked for one. He asked me for proof I was a veteran. What? I don't carry my DD-214 around with me. He said I should have something on my driver's license saying I was a veteran, and kept repeating, "Everyone else has proof." Proof? Every other place offering military discounts has thanked me for my service. This kid keeps telling me I need proof. I put myself in harm's way for 11 years to protect this kid's right to be rude. I have never, ever had my honor impugned or been tacitly told I was a liar. The whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I will be speaking with my dollars and shopping elsewhere.