The best tacos in town, very affordable, and tasty. I thought since moving from Tucson I was doomed to never find a taco like at Taco Tote.
Confusing as heck on how to order but it goes as follows:
The line with the pork hanging on a spit is for pork adabado.
The line in the center is for tongue, brains, aka nasty bits that my friends who like their food a bit more "authentic" swear by.
Then the last line where someone is making tortillas is for chorizo, steak, and probably chicken, but I always order the chorizo so no clue.
The staff speaks English, but they move fast so if you want no onions, no sauce, no avocado (and you're sick if you don't get the avocado) speak quickly and clearly. They are super nice though and remade three tacos after my husband corrected them that he didn't want onions on his pork tacos.