Don't believe me? Ask Steven or Liz (not Steve L or Liz B, but Steven V and Liz H) they've had the unfortunate task of witnessing me throwing a temper tantrum on more than one occasion at the door. (But they like, and I like them, and so I go.)
Why? BECAUSE THEY CHARGE A COVER! Even if it's 1:30 and they stop serving at 2am. (I almost left this weekend).
Why does this irk me?
Because when I pay for something, in this case, to walk inside the door, with that exchange of my hard earned cash comes the expectation I'm going to get something in return. And what do I get for my $5?
1. A bathroom situation that's an unfortunate cross between a slip-n-slide and a bad Friends re-run all about Joey... "how you doin?" Seriously, can someone mop that floor? It's not safe and it's just plain gross. Couple that with the lurkers that think it's ok to watch me urinate, keep staring and I'm going to stare back, and you know what's going to happen? (Figure it out, when I turn, my whole body comes with me.)
2. Bartenders working for tips find it more important to werk than work. I just want a drink, and I'm already pissed that I paid five bucks for nothing, so get his/her number later and get me alcohol.
3. Cups on the ground. (Why are their plastic cups on the ground? Always? This isn't Woodstock/SXSW/or anything as cool.)
I'll stop there.
I did ask once why there's a cover and I was told, "it keeps the riff-raff out." Not true. I've been, I've seen, the riff-raff find their way in.
You know who doesn't charge a cover and isn't concerned with riff-raff? Every other bar in Madison.
$5 to get in +
$3 to check my coat =
$8 to wish I was somewhere else.