Zero stars should be an option. The person behind the counter, Laurie, has to be the most unpleasant and socially disagreeable person I have ever encountered in Las Vegas. As soon as I walked through the glass door, her face was pinched in a grimace for some reason....................................She proceeded to make a feeble excuse about not notarizing 'certain' documents, even though it was unclear which documents she was referring to. She basically made up a nonsense term, licked her fingers (as you do), thumbed through my document, sniffed and said 'nope' I don't do these. I told her that her response was very off kilter (so to speak) and I left. I then ran into a nice dude who told me that my bank would notarize documents. I did as he advised, and they did a bang up job with my document for free within 10 minutes.