For years, I only knew of two things in Cleveland: the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the Big Egg. My knowledge of the latter came from a menu tacked to a friend's dorm wall. I would stare at that menu, wishing that I had access to food that cheap and filling. Now, ten years later, I am finally in Cleveland. So of course I had to go to the Big Egg and see if it lived up to my college imaginings. It did! My farmer's skillet was filling and delicious, with peppers, sausage, potatoes, and a fried egg on top. It also arrived about five minutes after I ordered. The waitress kept my coffee cup filled and told me some stories about the diner's history, and didn't rush me at all. And everything was cheap. In short, exactly the diner experience I'd imagined. If we could give half stars, I'd give it three and a half, but I'll round up to four for living up to my hopes.