Not going to lie - this had to have been the absolute WORST customer service and run-around that I have ever experienced. The biggest shame of it all, I love their furniture. My b/f and I have only had our bedroom set for 5 months but we really do love it and the bed is super comfortable. Let me start from the beginning - the sales staff is over the top is pushiness. I thought car salesmen were bad. They have nothing over this woman we had to deal with over there. She wouldn't let us look around by ourselves for more than a couple of minutes at a time. Each new thing we looked at, she was behind our backs telling us about the great deal she could get on that. Well, that's nice but give me a couple of minutes to process what I'm even looking at or even if we care abuot the great deal you could get us. The sales ploy had to have worked because we ended up spending $2500 on a new bedroom set.
Here's where it gets bad. So we had just moved from across the country and were looking for a new master bedroom set right before Memorial Day weekend. We had tossed our guest room furniture before our move and didn't have anything in our master bedroom because we moved our old furniture into the guest room. I think we went in on a Thursday and purchased everything that day. As the papers were being signed, our delivery day went from Sunday to Tuesday because they didn't have our furniture in the warehouse. Okay, that's fine - papers signed with the expectation I would hear from them on Sunday afternoon to nail down a time on Tuesday. That call never came and I ended up having to call the store. The receptionist there wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, or actually - maybe she knew exactly what she was doing - because she told me the furniture was in the warehouse and ready to ship the next day. I would get a call later to nail down a time (does this sound familiar). Once again, never got a call to schedule the time so she told me the manager wasn't in and would give me a call first thing in the morning. First thing in the morning came and went so I called again and the manager, again, wasn't in but should be in within half an hour. 1 1/2 hours later, we showed up in the store and literally sat down on a couch waiting for him to come back because hey, never got a call. We were told our furniture wasn't in the warehouse and it would have to be shipped. "Wait, but what? We were told all of our furniture was in the warehouse already??" Yeah, that was apparently something they just tell their customers to give them a few hours off of their backs.
Here's the silver lining, they gave us a free entry table ($125) for our frustration ---- woo?
EXCEPT when we had the furniture delivered, my nightstand had a broken corner that is now being camouflaged by a stuffed pig.... I'm 28. I'm not sure how long I can keep a stuffed pig on my nightstand before it looks really creepy. On a side note, if anyone knows what I can do to effectively camouflage a broken corner of dark brown furniture, please let me know.